By Shelley Grimes
October 6, 2010
I haven't actually started Module 3 yet as been suffering with migraines for last 3 weeks. Been referred to neurologist so hope to get to bottom of it soon. I feel a little better so hope to make a start soon.
October 7, 2010
More bad news today I'm afraid. Found out I am going to be made redundant before Christmas. Would it be possible to get the Certificate for passing Module 2 so that I can take it to any interviews with my CV?
October 21, 2010
I have an interview tomorrow at a local Law firm. They deal mainly in childcare & matrimonial law.
October 23, 2010
Literally 30 minutes after getting home from the interview they called me and offered me the job. They said the only sticking point was the salary I want. Unfortunately what they want to pay would not cover my bills each month. I have said I will get back to them Monday morning. So I will be sitting down and working out what the bare minimum is that I can accept. The job seems tailor made for me though and I will express that to them.
November 10, 2010
An agency has passed my CV over to Latham & Watkins, a firm of solicitors. They haven’t any vacancies at the moment but the guy who contacted me was so impressed with my CV he wants to meet me when he returns from his overseas business trip. If he likes me in person as much as on paper he will create a role for me! Fingers crossed!
Have been managing to get my lessons done too, I am on lesson 30 now. It’s a struggle working full time, trying to study at least 2 nights a week, scouring the internet for jobs, going to the gym (that is taking a back seat now) and keeping up with housework. I am now sending my CV to the law companies in the Lex 100 (ones in London) too.
November 22, 2010
I am struggling a bit with the start of assignment 7 but I am sure research will help me out. Plus I am probably in the wrong frame of mind at the moment as I have this big interview tomorrow morning, so I won’t send it in until I have read it through tomorrow when I am calmer (see I have taken note of my lessons).
November 26, 2010
Good news!!!Just spoken to the recruitment agent. She had an e-mail back from the HR lady who interviewed me Wednesday with good feedback but she is out of the office today. So she spoke to Matthew, the guy who interviewed me Tuesday and he says he likes me a lot and they are now just working out which position is best for me and which partners I will be suited to. Then they will get me in to meet with those partners, which is usually an informal chat just to make sure that they tick all my boxes and I am happy. To me that sounds like I have a job there but they just aren’t sure which yet.
December 9, 2010
I definitely have a role with the firm which will start in the New Year.