- Our Online Distance Learning study method is flexible, easy and convenient. Students are taught by a Tutor online and will access the lessons at their convenience. They have complete control over how long and how often they study. Our online lessons allow them to fit their studies into their daily routine without losing days from work, not losing time away from family, no extra travelling expenses and hassle, not being late for evening or weekend classes. Everything is conducted online including end of module tests. A webcam is required for monitoring during the tests which should last approximately 50 minutes. We try to arrange tests for 1.00pm so that students can sit during their lunch break.
- Students' questions can be emailed to us for reply or asked through our Live Chat. We prefer emails as students will have the written response for future reference. We aim to reply to students' queries within 24 hours, except for weekends and bank holidays.
- As students study by distance learning, we must know that they are fully prepared for the world of work when they have completed their studies.
- When most trainers happily accept some course work assignment as proof of a student's ability, or rely on students to answer a set of multiple choice questions from home, we go one step further. We determine a student's ability with our end of module tests. As one student puts it, "When you receive an OTC Diploma or Certificate, you know that you have earned it!"
This gives employers confidence when employing one of our Own and gives our students satisfaction of a Course well done.
- OTC is renowned throughout the legal sector for excellence in training which is highly beneficial to both Employers and to our Students.
- When life can be so challenging and stressful, why get more stressed with overcrowded trains, overcrowded buses and unrelenting traffic? Study from the comfortable environment of home with our Recorded Video Lessons!
- There is a 2-year time limit to complete Course.
Benefits of Studying Online with OTC
1. The recorded video lessons make it possible to listen and watch the lessons as often as necessary.
2. You can start at any time and get access to our Recorded Video Lessons. All lessons are accessible worldwide.
3. Daily or weekly traditional classes can be inconvenient, stressful and costly.
4. If you have a job offer which requires legal expertise.
5. If you can't wait or won't wait, you can start your lessons immediately!
6. Study whenever it is convenient.
7. Your queries can be sent to us by email or Chat. We aim to reply within 24 hours, except for weekends and bank holidays.
8. All tests are conducted online through our Live Classroom. A webcam is required for monitoring.
9. Suitable for UK and overseas students.